Jagriti - a Youth Chapter of Maanaw Seva Association
Jagriti provides an effective educational and caring support network for South Asian youth - as well as youth from other cultural backgrounds. Jagriti exists to identify and provide solutions to the unique problems these young people face.
Jagriti consists of an executive committee of youth (and former youth), some of whom have been with the organization since it was founded in 2001. Each executive member chairs a subcommittee focussing on: depression and suicide, drugs and alcohol addiction, criminal activity, culture clash, and education and career development. The general youth body makes up the balance of these subcommittees.
Jagriti’s primary aim is to provide a network of support services where needed. They also act as a peer support group to increase the cohesiveness among youth in the community. Jagriti also conducts workshops and meetings to provide an opportunity for open dialogue between youths and parents.
Jagriti’s executive has hosted many general youth meetings to promote the involvement of different groups of youth. The attendance at these meetings ranged from ten to forty young people. During the meetings, challenges were identified and solutions were sought. These meetings were also used to gain feedback and inspire volunteers for various events.
In the summer of 2001 Jagriti held two major workshops: first, on how to handle people in depression and to identify the symptoms of a suicidal person; and second, on how to form and run a legal youth society. A picnic at Coronation Park was attended by some thirty young people for the chance to mingle and connect in an informal setting. The executive youth committee then held a parents meeting to bring the identified problems to their attention and get feedback on ways to handle the issues. About one hundred parents attended.
A successful play - written, directed and performed by young people - was put on by Jagriti in 2002 . Some sixty talented minds were involved in the production. The play was based on the issues and problems Jagriti had identified in the youth community. The show brought Jagriti’s message to many people - parents and youth alike.
With the support of its Advisory Board consisting of social workers, councilors and doctors, Jagriti’s ultimate goal is to initiate a youth help hotline especially for youth from a minority background.