Analysis by Nageswaran Ramanathan
Maanaw Seva Association (MSA) is a long standing benevolent Society in Alberta and has the Vision to offer every person the opportunity to achieve their potential in life. To fulfill their commitment, MSA presented a Conference on September 10, 2022 to benefit the public by bringing awareness of the most important aspect of a human life – a ‘Matter of Mind’!
The Conference was professionally designed, organized and presented in the most skilful manner and it was well attended by more than 250 people. The venue was congenial, the seating arrangements, nourishments to delight the audience throughout the day and flawless audio and video facilities enhanced to the great success of the Conference.
Mental health problems are commonly neglected due to lack of knowledge to understand them, feeling shy to admit them and/or ignoring them as non-existent and not knowing where to go to seek help. Stress, anxiety, anger, restlessness, feeling of hopelessness, agitation etc. are all mental health issues and the list goes on. As human beings everyone is ready to accept if something seems to go wrong physically but tend to ignore when issues are at stake mentally.
Punditji set the stage of the Conference by imparting the importance of looking inwards to control one’s mind. He was followed by many professionals to explain the various topics that are of paramount importance like Mindfulness, Hope, Mental Health in general and the availability of Individual and Family Support Groups were addressed by professional Psychologists, Psychiatrists and the Canadian Mental Health Association
Shannon McKay, a Registered Psychologist stressed the importance of being mindful of things and events around you and the validity of being present at all times. “Spiritual Practice, Meditation, and being Easy on Yourself” are some of the tools of mastering the Mindfulness, she explained.
Hope is to the soul as air is to our lungs (Victor Frankl)’ and this phenomenon, ‘Hope’, is the essential thread in mental being, said Dr. Ronna
Jevne and gave a knowledgeable and mesmerizing presentation on basic but elusive ingredient ‘hope’ in our lives.
The opening, middle and closing keynote presentations attracted the audience and the various other important aspects to enhance mental health were presented by different experts on the subjects. With this daylong Conference, Maanaw Seva Association has truthfully promoted Mental Health and Awareness in the minds of more than 250 people.
Job extremely well done!
Nagy (Nageswaran Ramanathan)