Who We Are

The Maanaw Seva Association is a registered charity in Alberta, Canada, dedicated to helping those in real need - especially children.


1) Education:

a) Provide assistance relation to basic, technical and advanced education to the needy and poor children, and

b) Provide assistance to people to develop personal and professional skills, self esteem and self reliance.

2) Societal Needs:

a) Provide assistance relating to health and hygiene through educational programs, seminars and training,

b) Provide medicine, medical equipment and help build medical facilities, and

c) Provide assistance in obtaining basic needs such as water, sanitation and power.

3) Orphans and physically Challenged:

a) Provide assistance to operate or expand facilities to meet the needs of these persons.

4) Youth and Seniors:

a) Provide education programs and help organize excellent support networks for the youth and the seniors.

5) Raise funds to provide facilities, equipment, books and other means to meet the needs in above stated Items (1), (2), (3), and (4) above.

Our Mission

To helpĀ under-privileged and helpless people in anyway we can.

Our Vision

To offer every person the opportunity to achieve their potential in life.

Make a Difference

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others

- A quote from Mahatma Gandhi

Please Join Us To Make a Difference in this world